Calvin Walker

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Daylight Come

Daylight Come is an experimental audio project that traces my family’s history in the context of Jamaican migration to Britain, colonisation and enslavement. The project weaves personal anecdotes, historical context, and cultural reflections, offering an auditory experience that brings to life the challenges faced by my ancestors. 

AI-generated voices proved instrumental in developing this particular project. Their constant availability allowed for the continuous experimentation that was crucial to its completion.

Please download the “Transcription” and “Timeline” files at the bottom of this page.

Voices were created using ElevenLabs AI.
Thanks to Dr Lisa Hill of Anglia Research for her assistance with my genealogy research.

© 2024 Calvin Walker

  1. EP01: Our Jamaican Origins Calvin Walker 10:03
  2. EP02: Great Aunt Mel Calvin Walker 6:01
  3. EP03: The Early Days In Britain Calvin Walker 8:56
  4. EP04: "I Have Come With News From Jamaica" Calvin Walker 10:13
  5. EP05: Going To Britain? Calvin Walker 8:59
  6. EP06: Esther Calvin Walker 10:11
  7. EP07: Out Of Africa Calvin Walker 9:29
  8. EP08: Goddie May Calvin Walker 11:33
  9. EP09: Daylight Comes Calvin Walker 6:28